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Canvas: Using the Gradebook for Efficiency and Transparency (Hosted Online via Zoom) In-Person

This session will help prepare you to use the Canvas gradebook. We will review how to set up and maintain a gradebook, ensure the gradebook calculates final grades correctly, and use the gradebook to record and modify grades. We will also explore how to use the tool SpeedGrader in order to review student work submitted online and to provide feedback.

Facilitator: Denise Hardiman, Manager of EdTech Lab Services, CAT

The CAT will send registered participants a Zoom access link to this webinar via email one hour prior to the session.

Thursday, October 5, 2023
10:00am - 11:00am
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Hosted Online via Zoom
Hosted Online via Zoom
  Tech Training Workshop  
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