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Panopto Introduction: Video Creation and Sharing Platform (Hosted in person at Health Sciences Campus) In-Person

This workshop will guide you in how to use Panopto as a tool for creating video content and delivering engaging content through your Canvas course. The Panopto interface is very flexible and encourages multiple entry points for faculty and students alike. Faculty can create lectures using camera capture, screen capture, and slide capture (or upload). Quizzes can be embedded in the video to reinforce the important elements. Students can respond to any Panopto video as an assignment through the same interface.

Facilitator: Jennifer Zaylea, Digital Media Specialist, CAT

Please note that this workshop will be held on the Health Sciences Campus in the Student Faculty Center, 3340 N. Broad Street, Room 200.

Friday, September 22, 2023
9:00am - 10:30am
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
HSC CAT: Student Faculty Center, Room 200
Health Sciences Campus
  Teaching with Technology Workshop  
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